
Worship and preaching in missional congregations – homiletic-liturgical perspectives on missionary congregational ministryIn the context of changes in society, and the resulting paradigm shifts in theological thinking, this article explores the development of a missional ministry praxis for church services in the reformed theological tradition. This is done through a basic overview of recent theological developments in missional ecclesiology, homiletics and liturgy, and a case study of a congregation who shifted to missional ministry praxis by renewing its church services. Opportunities for further research are identified, and the conclusion is reached that churches who make the theological paradigm shift to missional ministry should inherently change the character and planning of their church services to reflect and enhance this shift.


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  • Hoewel ‘n vaste liturgie nie gevolg word nie, is daar genoeg van die bekende om die diens ‘n veilige aanbiddingsomgewing te maak vir lidmate wat hierdie styl verkies

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Original Research

Affiliations: 1Buro vir Voortgesette Teologiese Onderrig (Buvton), Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika. How to cite this article: Smit, G.H., 2010, ‘Aanbidding en prediking in missionale gemeentes – homileties-liturgiese beskouinge van missionêre gemeentebediening’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 66(1), Art.

Die tsunami van verandering
Uitdagings in bedieningspraxis
Bediening Missionaal
Prediking as missionale ekklesiologiese uitdaging
Enkele teologiese parameters vir missionale erediensbediening
Aanbidding en prediking in missionale gemeentes
Missionale bedieningsverskeidenheid
Tradisionele eredienste
Onsigbare liturgie
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