
Alois Alzheimer described the typical symptoms and signs of dementia, and first noted the characteristic pathologic picture in the dementia brain one hundred years ago. So far, Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for above 50% of all finds of dementia, is also the third greated heath problem in the elders. In American, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death, as well paymeats for medicare, long term care for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia are anticipated more than 200 billion US dollars in 2012. The precise mechanism behind Alzheimer’s disease is not yet disclosed completely,「amyloid cascade hypothesis」is the most predominant model for understanding the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are two type of medicines were proved by US FDA for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease; acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist. Though both of them can maintain higher level of cognitive function compared with placebo, they are only disease-modifying with multiple adverse effects. Our experiment was designed based on “amyloid cascade hypothesis”, that is widely used for explanation of Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, whose animal model with Alzheimer’s disease-like phenotype was developed by infusion A(1-40) in rats brains. There are two protocols in our study, one is preventive, the other is therapeutic; which our medication is Yi-Chi-Tsung-Ming-Tang (YCTMT), a decoction is composed of Astragali radix, Ginserg radix, Pueratiae radix, Paeoniae lactiforae, Phelloadendri conex, Viticis fructus, Cimicifugae uralensis and Glycyrrhiza uralenss. Our results demonstrated the ameliorative effect of YCTMT on A(1-40) induced learning impairment. Oral administration of YCYMT on rats appears to be able to protect A-impaired memory retention, spatial learning and memory, as well promote expression of acetylcholine and NMDARs. Therefore, the therapeutic protential of YCTMY in Alzheimer’s disease merits further investigation.

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