
Several studies have previously demonstrated the effective use of water-escape as a motivating factor in animal learning (Glaser, 1910; Moss 1924; Rosvold & Mirsky, 1954). While the majority of these studies are variations of closed-field tests in which animals perform in a manner similar to maze tests, the latter appear a relatively ineffective and lengthy procedure when applied to mice (Vicari, 1929). The present technique has been shown to be effective for demonstrating the rapid acquisition of an orlentatlon response in mlce. The apparatus, consisting of a plastic, water-filled (27 C) pan, 954 X 1254 X 3%, had a 6 plastic escape ramp fastened to an upper corner at a 32 angle to the base, and a horizontal plastic platform attached at a right angle with the far edge of the pan. Using water approximately 3 deep, 10 male Swiss-Webscer mice were given four trials 15 min. apart. Each time S was dropped into the center of the apparatus at the edge opposite the escape platform. Response latencies were measured by timing the interval between dropping S into the apparatus and in reaching and climbing the escape ramp.

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