
Speed is one of the important issues that generally customers consider for selecting any electronic component in the market. Speed of a microprocessor based system mainly depends on the speed of the microprocessor which in turn depends on the memory access time. Accessing on chip memory takes more time than accessing off-chip memory. Because of these, designers of memory system may find cache compression as an advantageous method to increase speed of a microprocessor based system, as it increases cache capacity and off-chip bandwidth. The However, most past work, and all work on cache compression, has made unsubstantiated assumptions about the performance, power consumption, and area overheads of the proposed compression algorithms and hardware. It is not possible to determine whether compression at levels of the memory hierarchy closest to the processor is beneficial without understanding its costs. Proposed hardware compression algorithms fall into the dictionary-based category, which depend on building a dictionary and using its entries to encode repeated data values. Proposed algorithm has number of novel features like including combining pairs of compressed lines into one cache line and allowing parallel compression of multiple words while using a single dictionary and without degradation in compression ratio.

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