
Introduction – Profunda femoris is the main course of supply to the muscles of thigh area. It is the biggest part of femoral supply route in the thigh region. It gives out branches named medial circumex femoral and lateral circumex femoral and four perforating branches and proceeds as the fourth perforating branch in the mid of thigh. A variation regarding the branching pattern of profunda femoris artery was observed with an origin of medial and lateral circumex arteries is been seen in a formalin embalmed 55 years of age female cadaver during typical dissection procedure in the dissection hall. Methods - The study was undertaken on lower limb of a fully embalmed 55years old female cadaver in the department of anatomy, used for routine dissection for teaching undergraduate and post graduate medical students. Result - In this female cadaver on left side of lower limb, there was an uncommon origin of lateral circumex femoral artery directly from the femoral artery with a normal emergence of medial circumex femoral artery from profunda femoris artery. While on the right side of the same Cadaver, the profunda femoris artery arose at usual distance i.e., 3.7cm below inguinal ligament, from posterolateral aspect of femoral artery and then it bifurcates into lateral and medial circumex femoral artery. Conclusion - Current examination will assist the clinicians to bypass iatrogenic inconveniences during a surgical procedure and will likewise help them in methodology for interventional radiology around this region.

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