
In the context of the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD), computation of the scattered fields near the shadow boundary of a smooth convex surface requires values for the Pekeris-integral function p*(/spl xi/,q). While in a small number of cases such as the case of perfect conductivity (q=0 and q/spl rarr//spl infin/), tabulated values of the function are available; in the general case, these values must be obtained by some numerical method. A procedure for approximating p*(/spl xi/,q) by residue-series means is introduced. In contrast with traditional residue-series representations, the new procedure requires only a limited knowledge of pole locations even in the shadow boundary transition region and thereby extends the regime of practical applicability of residue-series methods beyond the deep shadow. It is demonstrated that the new procedure can be combined with an earlier residue-series representation derived by Hussar and Albus (1991), and with geometrical optics, to provide a computationally efficient procedure for computing fields scattered by an impedance or coated cylinder.

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