
Introduction: The working environment of millions of people is unsafe. Workrelatedinjuries (WRIs) are associated with bad sequels at individual, community, andorganizational levels at the same time they are preventable and modifiable occupationalhealth issues. Aim of work: To assess the demographic characteristics and patternof reported non-fatal occupational injuries in Assiut Governorate and to identifysome correlates of these types of injuries. Materials and methods: A record-basedretrospective descriptive study was conducted and included all workers (226) with nonfataloccupational injuries who were registered to the Health Insurance Organization(HIO) - the Branch of Assiut Governorate during the years 2018 and 2019.For everyinjured worker, data were collected regarding: age, gender, residence, occupation ofthe worker, site of work, the injured part of body, nature of injuries, event leading toinjury and its outcome. Results: Mean age of the study workers was 39.57± 9.57years.The largest number of non-fatal occupational injuries in our study was reported fromconstruction sectors (50.4%). As regards the injury type, fractures constituted 44.7% ofthe total injuries followed by contusions and bruises (23.9%). Workers’ falling (51.8%),struck by blunt objects (16.4%) and accidents (15.9%) were the most commonly reportedcauses of injuries. Feet and hands were the most frequently body sites injured (30.5%and 25.2%). Workers’ falling and feet affections were statistically significantly higheramong healthcare workers (80% and 53.3%) while struck by blunt objects and handsinjuries were statistically significantly higher among manual professionals (25.9% and35.2%). The occurrence of disabilities among the non-fatal occupational injuries was8.4%. Regarding the pattern of non- fatal injuries according to sex, incisions (26.1%)and fractures (47.8%) significantly occurred among males, while sprains/strains and joint affections (33.3%) occurred among females. Conclusion: The largest number ofnon-fatal occupational injuries in our study was reported from construction sectors.There was difference in pattern of injuries and disabilities occurrence according tosex, work sector and occupation. Therefore, it is important to implement successfuloccupational health programs to prevent occurrence of occupational injuries especiallyat high risk work sectors and promote safer work practices for workers in these sectors.

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