
In the title organic-inorganic hybrid complex, poly[[[mu-3,5-bis(3-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole]tri-mu(3)-oxido-tetra-mu(2)-oxido-oxidodicobalt(II)dimolybdenum(VI)] monohydrate], {[Co(2)Mo(2)O(8)(C(12)H(9)N(5))].H(2)O}(n), the asymmetric unit is composed of two Co(II) centers, two [Mo(VI)O(4)] tetrahedral units, one neutral 3,5-bis(3-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole (BPT) ligand and one solvent water molecule. The cobalt centers both exhibit octahedral [CoO(5)N] coordination environments. Four Co(II) and four Mo(VI) centers are linked by mu(2)-oxide and/or mu(3)-oxide bridges to give an unprecedented bimetallic octanuclear [Co(4)Mo(4)O(22)N(4)] cluster, which can be regarded as the first example of a metal-substituted octamolybdate and exhibits a structure different from those of the eight octamolybdate isomers reported to date. The bimetallic oxide clusters are linked to each other through corner-sharing to give two-dimensional inorganic layers, which are further bridged by trans-BPT ligands to generate a three-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid architecture with six-connected distorted alpha-Po topology.

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