
Mechanistic and energetic aspects for the conversion of camphor to 5-exo-hydroxycamphor by the compound I iron-oxo species of cytochrome P450 are discussed from B3LYP DFT calculations. This reaction occurs in a two-step manner along the lines that the oxygen rebound mechanism suggests. The activation energy for the first transition state of the H atom abstraction at the C5 atom of camphor is computed to be more than 20 kcal/mol. This H atom abstraction is the rate-determining step in this hydroxylation reaction, leading to a reaction intermediate that involves a carbon radical species and the iron-hydroxo species. The second transition state of the rebound step that connects the reaction intermediate and the product alcohol complex lies a few kcal/mol below that for the H atom abstraction on the doublet and quartet potential energy surfaces. This energetic feature allows the virtually barrierless recombination in both spin states, being consistent with experimentally observed high stereoselectivity and br...

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