
The reaction of Ehrlich's reagent, p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, with aromatic amines in acid solution has been made the basis of a colorimetric determination of sulfonamides by Werner1. and by Morris.2 Fuller3 has employed this substance in test papers for estimating the level of sulfonamide in laked blood after precipitation of proteins with an acid reagent, comparing the yellow color produced with standard color strips. The present paper describes the preparation of acid-containing test papers with which the level of sulfonamide can be estimated directly in serum without the addition of precipitating or acidifying reagents.One gram of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (straw-colored material is usable) is dissolved in 2 cc of concentrated hydrochloric acid and to the solution is added 0.8 cc of syrupy phosphoric acid (sp. gr. about 1.7) and water to make 100 cc. Large pieces of a good grade of absorbent paper (such as is used in making litmus paper) are soaked in the solution and immediately hung up to drain....

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