
Abstract In this paper the authors dynamically downscale daily-averaged general circulation model (GCM) datasets over Australia using the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM). The technique can take advantage of the wider range of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (CMIP3) daily-averaged GCM datasets than is available using 3-hourly datasets. The daily-averaged host GCM atmospheric data are fitted to a time interpolation formula and then differentiated in time to produce a first-order estimate of the atmosphere at 0000 UTC on each simulation day. The processed GCM data are forced into CCAM using a scale-selective filter with an 18° radius. Since this procedure is unable to account for the diurnal cycle, the forcing data are only applied to winds and air temperatures once per day between 800 and 100 hPa. Lateral boundary conditions are not required since CCAM employs a variable-resolution global grid. The technique is evaluated by downscaling daily-averaged 2.5° NCEP reanalyses over Australia at 60-km resolution from 1971 to 2000 and comparing the results to downscaling the 6-hourly reanalyses and to simulating with sea surface temperature (SST)-only forcing. The results show that the daily-averaged downscaling technique can simulate average seasonal maximum and minimum screen temperatures and rainfall similar to those obtained downscaling 6-hourly reanalyses. Some implications for regional climate projections are considered by downscaling four daily-averaged GCM datasets from the twentieth-century climate in coupled models (20C3M) experiment over Australia.

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