
Motivated by the frustration of translation of research advances in the molecular and cellular biology of cancer into treatment, this study calls for cross-disciplinary efforts and proposes a methodology of incorporating drug pharmacology information into drug therapeutic response modeling using a computational systems biology approach. The objectives are two fold. The first one is to involve effective mathematical modeling in the drug development stage to incorporate preclinical and clinical data in order to decrease costs of drug development and increase pipeline productivity, since it is extremely expensive and difficult to get the optimal compromise of dosage and schedule through empirical testing. The second objective is to provide valuable suggestions to adjust individual drug dosing regimens to improve therapeutic effects considering most anticancer agents have wide inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability and a narrow therapeutic index. A dynamic hybrid systems model is proposed to study drug antitumor effect from the perspective of tumor growth dynamics, specifically the dosing and schedule of the periodic drug intake, and a drug’s pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics information are linked together in the proposed model using a state-space approach. It is proved analytically that there exists an optimal drug dosage and interval administration point, and demonstrated through simulation study.

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