
The time required to examine a specimen's features with an SEM before photographically recording representative images is related to the amount of visual information about that specimen that is available from the SEM's viewing CRT. In a laboratory that examines several thousand specimens each year, many in low signal-to-noise situations, the accumulated examination time can be significant. Image processing to increase the information content of the viewed image can reduce the time needed to examine the specimen. Digital frame integration can be used to improve an image's signal-to-noise ratio and color processing of the observed image can be used to provide enhanced visual perception. Using a passive interface with the SEM for image processing has the advantage that it doesn't interfere with the SEM scan electronics nor does it affect normal SEM operation. A difficulty in image processing arises when using asynchronous SEM signals - video signals that lack synch pulses and therefore do not conform to standard RS-170 video.

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