
Dicranum Hedw. is a highly diverse and widely distributed genus within Dicranaceae. The species diversity and distribution of this genus in China, however, remain not well known. A new revision of Dicranum in China using morphological and molecular phylogenetic methods confirms that China has 39 species, including four newly reported species, D. bardunovii Tubanova & Ignatova, D. dispersum Engelmark, D. schljakovii Ignatova & Tubanova, and D. spadiceum J.E.Zetterst. Dicranum psathyrum Klazenga is transferred to Dicranoloma (Renauld) Renauld as a new synonym of Dicranoloma fragile Broth. Two species, Dicranum brevifolium (Lindb.) Lindb. and D. viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. are excluded from the bryoflora of China. A key to the Chinese Dicranum species is also provided. These results indicate an underestimation of the distribution range of numerous Dicranum species, underscoring the need for further in-depth investigations into the worldwide Dicranum diversity.

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