
Drug addiction had been observed and reported the Chicago area as early as 1880. The Psychiatric Institute has had a few addicts referred to it every year since its inception 1914 but they were considered only a minor portion of the total case load. During 1950-51 tremendous public pressure had been brought to bear on the city officials to do something about a suspected increase drug addiction. In April, 1951 the Narcotics Court was established by the Municipal Courts to serve as a centralized clearing house for all cases involving illegal sale or use of narcotics, barbiturates and marijuana. During the first four months of operation over four thousand cases were brought before this court. Approximately seven percent of these were referred to our clinic for examination. While the various professional members of this psychiatric unit had each examined a few addicts prior to this time, none considered himself really familiar with the problem of drug addiction. Hence the influx of this group of suspected drug addicts forced the team to work largely in the dark until such time as they could clinically deal effectively with such patients through the experience of contacts with the patients and through study of the available literature. It was decided by the staff that the standard screening procedures utilized our clinics would be employed until such time as research and intensive clinical experience would indicate what modifications should be made for these particular types of patients. 1. The writers wish to express their gratitude to Mrs. Mary Appel, Mrs. Margaret Terch,

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