
The study was carried out in Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary, central India. The forest is classified as a tropical dry deciduous type, with teak Tectona grandis as the predominant species. Extensive field trips were carried out during 2018–2020 to document the medicinally important tree species. The medicinal importance of these plants was recorded through interviews, group discussions with local tribal communities and on the basis of the literature available. Enumeration of tree species in this area showed occurrence of 50 tree species belonging to 37 genera and 21 families. The study further observed that several species were being used as traditional medicine by the local tribal folks, traditional healers in the study area, and also by pharmaceutical industries. The study observed that some species in the sanctuary were rare due to several developmental projects, forest destruction, and over-exploitation. The study provides details about the botanical identity, family, local name, plant parts utilised and uses for treatment of diseases. The present paper identified the tree species for their conservation status and accordingly recommends the priority for their conservation in the study area. We recommend that tree species documentation might be helpful for drug formulation and the preservation of traditional knowledge.

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