
A 28-year old male presented with chest pain of two hours duration. He had histories of 10 years smoking and 2 years of nephrotic syndrome, due to minimal change disease. His EKG showed marked ST segment elevations in the V3-6, I, II, III and aVF leads. The levels of cardiac enzymes were increased (CK:481 U/l, CK-MB:96 U/l and Troponin I:4.8 ng/mL). The prothrombin and activated partial promboplastin times were normal. Accelerated tissue type plasminogen activator (100 mg) was administered at the emergency room, but his chest pain continued, with persistent ST segment elevations. An urgent coronary angiograph revealed huge multiple filling defects, suggestive of thrombi in the proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD), with thrombolysis in the myocardial infarction (TIMI) flow. A rescue percutaneous coronary intervention was performed using repeated angioplasties with a 3.0 mm balloon. However, the filling defects and distal LAD flow did not improve. We administered Abciximab (ReoPro), and the LAD flow improved to a TIMI III flow, with resolution of the thrombus in the LAD. His clinical course was uneventful after discharge, and a left coronary angiogram, at the 6-month followup, showed no filling defects, with the TIMI III flow maintained. (Korean Circulation J 2003;33 (6):523-527)

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