
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the drinking water needs and raw water availability of DKI Jakarta Province. Theoretical framework: The theoretical basis for the population projections uses mathematical modeling (arithmetic, logarithmic, exponential, and geometric) for the next 10 years. Drinking water demand projections are obtained by calculating the demand for drinking water and the results of the population projections. Then compared to raw water availability. Potable water demands are calculated based on design criteria Method/design/approach: The method used is research and development by projecting the population of the last 10 years to predict the population of the next 10 years. The total projected drinking water needs obtained were compared with the availability of raw water. Results and conclusion: The results show that the demand for drinking water in DKI Jakarta in 2023 will be 30,892 liters/second, while the raw water capacity will only be 16,850. This shows that the level of drinking water service in DKI Jakarta is only 54.54%. When compared to 2015, DKI Jakarta's drinking water access service decreased from 65.13% in 2015 to 54.54% in 2023. Research implications: If DKI Jakarta does not succeed in finding raw water sources, it is estimated that drinking water services will drop dramatically to 35.68% in 2033. Originality/value: Studies on the projection of drinking water in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia for the next 10 years have not been conducted. So this study has good originality and becomes a study with high novelty. This study can also be utilized by DKI Jakarta government authorities in formulating environmental and health management policies.

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