
타인의 생명의 보험과 관련하여 종전 ‘보험계약에는 피보험자의 동의’를, ‘보험 계약체결시에는그타인의서면에의한동의’를받도록상법제731조를개정하였다. 그이유는‘보험계약성립후의분쟁과도덕적위험을방지하기위함’에있다고한다. 이와관련하여 한편에서는 개정 조문의 해석론이 다른 한편에서는 조문의 각 요소(조문 전체와 동의 시점과 방법 및 피보험자의 동의)에 대한 법리적 검토가 요구된다. 타인의 사망의 보험계약에 피보험자의 동의를 받도록 한 규정은 피보험자의 인격권 침해나 공서양속의 침해가 없더라도 그대로 적용되는 강행규정이다. 보험계약자는 보험계약 체결 전에 동의를 받아야 한다. 이 동의는 준법률행위이다. 종전단지‘보험계약에동의’를받도록한것을‘보험계약체결시’로변경하였음에도종전과 같은 주장, 즉 추인이 가능하다는 논리는 입법론적인 방법론으로는 주장할 수 있지만 현행법의 해석론으로는 무리다. ‘서면에 의한 동의’를 받도록 하였음에도 불구하고 이 규정이 강행성을 갖지 않는다는 주장이 있지만, 입법론적 논의가 아닌 한 무리한 논리 전개이다. 보험계약과관련한당사자의지위겸병또는변경과관련하여어느형태에서건피보험자의 동의는필요하다. 보험계약자가피보험자의지위를겸병하는경우동의가있어야하는지와동의가반드시서면에의한동의를요하는지문제된다. 제3자가보험계약자의동의를얻어계약을체결하고 보험사고가 발생하면이에따른경제적 효과를노릴수 있다는점에서강행규정인제731조에대한탈법행위로무효이다. 피보험자를보험수익자로변경할때에는보험계약자는피보험자의동의를받아야한다. 그것은피보험자가동의를하게된주된이유가자기, 자기가 사망한 후 자기의 상속인이 아니라 특정한 보험수익자의 이익을 위함이기 때문이다.Before the 1991 Commercial Code revision the insurance contract should be subject to the consent of the insured person. According to the amended new provision in 1991, the insurance contract was required the written concent of the insured person on one the hand, and this concent shall be reached before the signing of insurance contract on the other hand. The purpose of this provision is to prevent moral hazard, insurance companies and policyholders and beneficiaries conflict of interest between each other. In this regard it is necessary to examine the legal character of this provision above all. And it is required the legal review about each element of the provisions, namely the insured person s consent and when and how. This provision applies even if the infringement of the moral rights of the insured person or infringe public order and morals. In this sense this provision is mandatory provisions. The concent of the insured person is a necessary element for the beneficiaries, even if it is not the requirement of insurance contract. Namely the concent of the insured is not a requirement of conclusion of a contract, insurance companies do not pay the insurance amount to beneficiaries without the consent of the insured, hence the concent of the insured is characterized a quasi-legal act. Therefore the insured person have to indicate his concent for the conclusion of insurance contract for his death to policyholders. That before signing the insurance contract shall receive the insured s written consent means that the insured person must be indicated agreement to policyholders. Holding both status or change of status with regard to the parties with respect to the insurance agreement the insured in case of any type are needed. The problem is that the policyholder does not necessarily require the consent in writing and that the agreement should agree to both insurer and/ or policyholder, if the insured person s status. It might be occured manipulation of the provision of Article 731, when the policyholder entered into an agreement with the consent of the insured and change the insured for his own interest. The main reason insured person to agrees with the contract, is not only for himself or for his own heirs but also for the interest of another persons.

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