
INTRODUCTION:Current global business environment makes the competition becomes more intense with the advent of new competitors.Every business attempts to improve the quality of services to satisfy and fulfill the needs of the consumers. Consumer satisfaction is the level of a person's feelings towards product or after comparing performance or felt outcome, compared with the expectations (Kotler, 2009). role of various kinds of advertising and interesting promotional seduction can be a threat that causes consumers switch to other competitors. Therefore, maintaining customer becomes more important than attracting new one. Besides, every company must have the objective of maximizing revenue and gain a large market share so that they can be a leader in the market.On 2011, one of the business fields that suffered pretty tight competition is educational services field, especially at the higher education (Madihah, 2012). Data of GCI (Growth Competitive Index) Indonesia, for higher education is getting a score of 4,30 in 2014 and increased to 4,53 in 2015. reason is the increasing public awareness on the higher education's value, resulting in a rising demand from the public on the higher education qualities (Alifudin, 2012).STIKOM Bali is the first University of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in Bali which realize that the good quality of higher education and also framed it as the main objective, as stated in the vision and mission of STIKOM Bali. university organizes Higher in a professional and qualified manner, as well as becomes a place that can be proud of and give a sense of security and comfort for the enti re academic community. However, the impact of competition with other Technology, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Universities in Bali makes the strength of Stikom Bali's strategic position is no longer sufficient to realize the vision and mission. To win the competition, university should consider aspects of student satisfaction on the educational services quality (Gronroos,1990).Internal data information show that the level of STIKOM Bali's new admissions within the last 5 years shows a constant trend,this doesn't accord to expectation of Stikom Bali's that targeting increase in the number of new admissions from year to year. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the student satisfaction related to educational services include the dimensions of facilities, human resources, and academic administration. concern for improving the University's understanding of the level of student satisfaction within the University System. purpose of the Student Satisfaction Study was to review these survey results and related literature, to pose and answer additional questions in order to understand more clearly students' perceptions of the quality of services, and to make recommendations for needed improvements.Based on the background, it is necessaryto do The Study of STIKOM Bali's Student Satisfaction Level on Service Education to realize the people's demands for high -quality education as well as efforts to win the competition with Other ICT universities in Bali.LITERATURE REVIEW:Marketing:Kotler (2009) suggests marketing is an organizational function and the processes for creating, communicating and submit values to customers and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.Meanwhile, according to Adrian Payne translated by Tjiptono (2009), marketing is a process of perceiving, understanding, stimulating, and meeting the needs of the target market which is chosen specifically by channeling the resources of an organization to fulfill those needs.While, marketing management is the planning and coordination of all activities in order to achieve a fully integrated marketing program successfully (Simamora, 2004).Quality of Service:According to Lewis and Booms in Tjiptono, (2009) service quality'is defined as a measure of how well the level of is provided in accordance with customer expectations. …

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