
This paper attempts to analyse the socioeconomic and political background of the Scheduled Tribe women and political empowerment of panchayat raj in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Their knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of the panchayat, support received from various sections of the scheduled tribe women and political empowerment and their level of performance have also been brought out. The participants were elected women panchayat belong to scheduled tribe in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. This study is based on primary evidence collected from scheduled tribe women panchayat. The result shows that middle age group and married women hailing majority in scheduled tribe community. Most of them were school dropouts and their level of education was ranging from primary school to middle school level engaged in agriculture, fishers and non agriculture labourer. This study based on the concluded that there is a strong relationship between the political empowerment of Scheduled Tribe’s Women Elected Representatives and their capability in redressing the grievances of women and minorities in the village. Keywords: Women, Panchayat Raj, Scheduled Tribes and Political empowerment

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