
The study has been conducted for land use and land cover classification by using SAR data. The study included examining of ALOS 2 PALSAR L- band quad pol (HH, HV, VH and VV) SAR data for LULC classification. The SAR data was pre-processed first which included multilook, radiometric calibration, geometric correction, speckle filtering, SAR Polarimetry and decomposition. For land use land cover classification of ALOS-2-PALSAR data sets, the supervised Random forest classifier was used. Training samples were selected with the help of ground truth data. The area was classified under 7 different classes such as dense forest, moderate dense forest, scrub/sparse forest, plantation, agriculture, water body, and settlements. Among them the highest area was covered by dense forest (108647ha) followed by horticulture plantation (57822 ha) and scrub/Sparse forest (49238 ha) and lowest area was covered by moderate dense forest (11589 ha). Accuracy assessment was performed after classification. The overall accuracy of SAR data was 80.36% and Kappa Coefficient was 0.76. Based on SAR backscatter reflectance such as single, double, and volumetric scattering mechanism different land use classes were identified.

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