
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 One of the bronze age tomb structures in Liaodong Province and Korean Peninsula was the stone-covered tomb. Al the bronze age, this type of tomb ".'as widely distributed in North East Asia. Chinese archaeologists tend to regard the stone-covered tombs as a different tomb tradition of the dolmen in Korean Peninsula. So that in this article, I try to review and summarize the stone-covered tombs surveyed in Liaodong Province lo understand how the stone-covered tomb differ from the dolmen in Korean Peninsula. The results of the study arc at; follow; First, the location of the stone-covered tombs was related with big river. Geomorphologically, most of the stone-covered tombs were built on lull lop, mountain slope, the foot of a mountain, the top of a mountain, the ridge of a mountain, and so on, But 74,6% of the stone-covered tombs were constructed on the near top of the mountain. Second, the inside structure of the stone-covered tombs were prepared under the ground. There are three types of the stone-covered tombs. First type of the tomb was prepared the inside of grave by only digged the soil. Second type of the tombs was constructed the inside of grave by piled up the wall. Third type was created the inside of grave by digging out the bedrock. Third, many grave goods inside of burials of the stone-covered tombs were uncovered. Bronze artifacts unearthed from the burials were Bipa style bronze dagger and narrow style bronze dagger. Stone artifacts such as polished stone dagger, polished stone adze, semi-lunar knife, jade dagger, and jade ornaments are excavated from the burials. Potteries like Misongni style pottery, Gongguiri style pottery, long necked jar, and short necked jar 'were unearthed. Fourth, the dates of the stone-covered tombs were defined by the remains unearthed from the inside of the grave. The earliest constructions of the stone-covered tombs arc related with the remains of potteries like Misongni style pottery and Gongguiri style pottery. However, the last constructions were associated with the remains like narrow style bronze and iron dagger. Lastly, the stone-covered tombs in Liaodong Province are almost equal structure in typology lo the capstone type dolmen in Korean Peninsula. In addition to this, the lists of grave goods of the stone-covered tombs are similar to those of the capstone type dolmen. Therefore, the stone-covered tombs in Liaodong Province seem to be regarded as a capstone type of the dolmen in Korean Peninsula. #大石蓋菓 #支石菓 #蓋石式 #비파형동검 #세형동검 #마제석부 #미송리형토기 #The stone-covered tombs #Liaodong Province #dolmen #Misongni style pottery #Korean Peninsula Ⅰ. 序論Ⅱ. 大石蓋墓의 分布와 立地 Ⅲ. 大石蓋墓의 構造와 型式Ⅳ. 출토유물의 종류와 성격Ⅴ. 대석개묘의 성격과 편년Ⅵ. 結論<참고문헌>Abstract

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