
Pregnant Charles River CD strain albino rats received daily oral doses of 8, 20, 50, or 125 mg pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)/kg on Days 6–15 of gestation. Three control groups were also used: a negative control group which received no treatment, a vehicle control group receiving corn oil, and a positive control group which received chlorcyclizine HCL. Treatment with PCNB had no apparent effect on reproductive parameters such as the number and position of implantations, incidence of dead and/or resorbed fetuses, viable litter size, fetal sex ratios, and birth weights. Detailed gross, visceral, and skeletal examinations were performed on fetuses removed from dams on Day 20 of gestation. The number and type of external, soft tissue and skeletal malformations and variations detected in PCNB groups did not differ significantly from those found in negative and vehicle controls. Under the conditions of the present study, PCNB when administered in daily oral doses of up to 125 mg/kg during the period of differentiation and organogenesis, is not embryolethal nor teratogenic in the rat.

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