
Researchers were on Sable Island, Canada (440°N, 600°W), for the 1997 grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) breeding season to study the affects of sonic booms on seal behavior. The physical parameters of 36 sonic booms associated with the Concorde’s trans-Atlantic flights were recorded. The average minimum overpressure was −0.568 PSF and mean maximum overpressure was 0.935 PSF. Data were collected on frequency of aggression, movements, and distances moved in 10-min periods before and after booms to detect changes in general agitation of pups and adults. The number of mother-pup pairs nursing and number of nursing bouts interrupted during the minute of sonic booms were compared to those in randomly chosen minutes to measure immediate startle responses of seals. There was no difference in the behavior of adults nor pups between 10-min periods before and after booms, nor did their behavior differ in the minute of booms when compared to randomly chosen control minutes. Female heart rates did not vary before, during and after booms but pup heart rates were variable. A similar study on Sable Island harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) is being conducted for comparison.

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