
There are numerous studies that have found adventure-based program intervention has potentially linked towards the development of psychological aspects, including mental toughness. This study aims to validate Adventure-based Mental Toughness Inventory (AbMTI) through SEM analysis. A total of 371 degree’s level students from several higher institutions were involved as respondents. The final valid data is 357 hence 14 respondents have been removed due to outliers in normality analysis. A total of 67-items representing 7 dimensions of AbMTI was analysed and purified. The data were analysed through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability. Through CFA measurement, the modification indices (MI) examination was conducted. Overall, the final analysis results from CFA-SEM indicates AbMTI has achieved a significant validation value. Four (4) validation analysis was applied such as standard loading (>.50), construct reliability (CR>.60), Cronbach Alpha (α>.70), and average variance extracted (AVE>.50). The final AbMTI consisted of seven (7) constructs and 38-items were validated to tap adventure-based mental toughness. Findings from this study have confirmed AbMTI as valid instruments for assessing mental toughness. It is also considered as the new horizons in mental toughness measure.

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