
Strontium isotopes, water chemistry and whole rock chemistry have been used to investigate the evolution of water from its surface meteoric composition into methane-rich groundwater. Previous studies established that co-produced Surat Basin coal seam gas waters from the Walloon Subgroup (Queensland, Australia) are meteoric in origin and are distinct across the main production regions but the dominant hydrochemical processes have yet to be determined. In this study, strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) were measured on production waters from 36 coal seam gas wells, 14 sequentially leached host rock samples and 6 whole rock samples to improve understanding of the water-rock reactions that control spatial variability in solute and isotope chemistry.Strontium isotope ratios of Walloon Subgroup production waters across all production areas are uniformly low in value, ranging from 0.70338 to 0.70456. The majority of values are significantly lower than shallow Walloon formation waters in the recharge zone and extend the lower range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded for Surat Basin groundwaters. These very low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70338) are reached early along the flow paths, within 10 km of the shallow recharge area waters, before then undergoing a gradual increase with flow distance. Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of whole rock samples representing each of the main lithologies across the Walloon Subgroup has identified that the low 87Sr/86Sr ratios are not derived from any one interval but rather the combination of the same few minerals that are present in every unit.The rapid accumulation of relatively non-radiogenic strontium early in the flow path across all three gas producing regions has been attributed to a combination of fluid-rock interactions occurring within the Walloon Subgroup itself. Initial surface 87Sr/86Sr ratio values are quickly dominated through a combination of processes whereby recharge waters with low Sr concentrations are absorbed onto montmorillonite clays via cation exchange and this combined with weathering of plagioclase causes a re-equilibration of the groundwater to lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Strontium ratios then start to slowly increase again with flow distance through silicate weathering of K-feldspars and muscovites, which are present at low levels across the basin. Local geological features such as the Hutton-Wallumbilla fault and the Kogan and Undulla anticlines appear to influence flow paths and consequently water and gas composition.

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