
Members of Stress-Associated Protein (SAP) family in plants have been shown to impart tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses, however, their mode of action in providing tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses is largely unknown. There are 14 SAP genes in Arabidopsis thaliana containing A20, AN1, and Cys2-His2 zinc finger domains. AtSAP13, a member of the SAP family, carries two AN1 zinc finger domains and an additional Cys2-His2 domain. AtSAP13 transcripts showed upregulation in response to Cd, ABA, and salt stresses. AtSAP13 overexpression lines showed strong tolerance to toxic metals (AsIII, Cd, and Zn), drought, and salt stress. Further, transgenic lines accumulated significantly higher amounts of Zn, but less As and Cd accumulation in shoots and roots. AtSAP13 promoter-GUS fusion studies showed GUS expression predominantly in the vascular tissue, hydathodes, and the apical meristem and region of root maturation and elongation as well as the root hairs. At the subcellular level, the AtSAP13-eGFP fusion protein was found to localize in both nucleus and cytoplasm. Through yeast one-hybrid assay, we identified several AP2/EREBP family transcription factors that interacted with the AtSAP13 promoter. AtSAP13 and its homologues will be highly useful for developing climate resilient crops.

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