
the mechanisms behind the geologic and biological evolution of the East African rift, and the stratigraphic architecture and environmental history of Lakes Turkana, Albert, and Tanganyika to initiate a series of breakout discussions. These breakouts defined critical scientific hypotheses and questions for future drilling projects, including: - What are the timing and dynamics of key transitions in the Plio-Pleistocene evolution of African climate as a consequence of global and tropical climate reorganizations, including the expansion of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, the termination of a permanent Pliocene El Nino, and the closure of the Indonesian seaway? - What is the sensitivity of East African temperature and rainfall to radiative forcing (insolation and greenhouse gases) and high-latitude processes? - What are the rates and amplitudes of millennial to decadal East African climate change, and how do these vary with changes in the Earth’s mean climate state? - What are the rates, sensitivities, and thresholds for ecological and evolutionary responses of ecosystems and communities to climate and environmental change across different timescales? - What are the regulating mechanisms and emergent properties of the dissociation and reassembly of aquatic ecosystems and communities through time?

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