
In the course of investigating regular subalgebras of E10(10) related to cosmological solutions of 11-dimensional supergravity supporting an electric 4-form field, a class of rank 10 Coxeter subgroups of the Weyl group of E10(10) was uncovered (M. Henneaux et al., e-print hep-th/0606123). These Coxeter groups all share the property that their Coxeter graphs have incidence index 3, i.e., that each node is incident to three and only three single lines. Furthermore, the Coxeter exponents are either 2 or 3, but never ∞. We here go beyond subgroups of the Weyl group of E10(10) and classify all rank 10 Coxeter groups with these properties. We find 21 distinct Coxeter groups of which 7 were already described by M. Henneaux et al., (e-print hep-th/0606123). Moreover, we extend the classification to the rank 11 case and we find 252 inequivalent rank 11 Coxeter groups with incidence index 4, of which at least 28 can be regularly embedded into E11(11).

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