
Under the basic premise that an economy and its territory as a socioeconomic entity, are inscribed into a nation’s space. Accordingly, the concomitant sustainable handling of its natural resources and people ́s well- being depends on myriad factors among which stands out firstly, the country's own socioeconomic dynamics and secondly, but not least important, the political capacity of the State ́s intervention into the economy, as the foremost legal entity capable and social risponsible to advance the nation ́s economic strategy, to promote simultaneously growth and social well-being into the nation. Upon this framework, the article aims at analyze the socioeconomic implications of the neoliberal economic strategy adopted by Mexico, with particular reference to Mexico City (CDMX) vis-à-vis Mexico’s Center Region (encompassing CDMX and neighboring states) to demonstrate its failure and the compelling need to it towards a more balanced, social-inclusive and sustainable one. Time ́s horizon for the analysis ranges from 1980-2020e.


  • Under the basic premise that an economy and its mexicano decide en 1996 aglutinar alrededor de esta territory as a socioeconomic entity, are inscribed into a metrópoli otros municipios conurbados y entidades nation’s space

  • Bajo esta premisa esta investigación se enfoca a analizar algunos desequilibrios socioeconómicos y ambientales en torno a la CDMX como una Keywords: uneven development, unsubstainable and ‘megalópolis’ y entidad federativa integrada a la Región socially non-inclusive urban-regional imbalance

  • Aunque resulta interesante destacar el caso de una pequeña entidad como Querétaro, quien viene creciendo a una impresionante densidad poblacional de casi 5%(4.7%) anual promedio durante este tiempo frente al marginal crecimiento observado para la CDMX (0.09%) y la entidad mexiquense (0.46%) promedio anual durante el lapso de análisis

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By Octavio Luis Pineda

The concomitant sustainable handling of its natural resources and peoples well-being depends on myriad factors among which stands out firstly, the country's own socioeconomic dynamics and secondly, but not least important, the political capacity of the States intervention into the economy, as the foremost legal entity capable and social risponsible to advance the nations economic strategy, to promote simultaneously growth and social well-being into the nation Upon this framework, the article aims at analyze the socioeconomic implications of the neoliberal economic strategy adopted by Mexico, with particular reference to Mexico City (CDMX) vis-à-vis Mexico’s Center Region (encompassing CDMX and neighboring states) to demonstrate its failure and the compelling need to it towards a more balanced, social-inclusive and sustainable one. Desarrollo Urbano- Regional Desigual y Excluyente en México: El Crecimiento Macrocefálico de la CDMX en la Region Centro

Octavio Luis Pineda
Económica del Centro y cuya dinámica socioeconómica
Para conocer la evolución de este indicador
Explicando la existencia de una severidad de la
Fuentes Electronicas
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