
This paper describes the design and construction of a localsix-electrode conductivity probe which can be used in solids-water pipeflows to simultaneously measure the local solids volume fraction and thelocal solids axial velocity. Using finite element analysis, the probeelectrode geometry was designed so that the regions of the solids-watermixture that were interrogated by the probe were optimal for measurementof the volume fraction and for cross correlation velocity measurement. Theprobe was used, in conjunction with a computer controlled traversingmechanism, to obtain distributions of the local solids volume fraction andthe local solids axial velocity both in vertical upward and in upwardinclined solids-water flows. Such distributions can be used to validatevolume fraction and velocity profiles obtained using dual-plane electricalresistance tomography systems. Experimental results indicated that thesix-electrode probe can be used to estimate the local solids volumefraction in vertical upward solids-water flows with a mean absolute errorof approximately 0.01. Experimental results also indicated that thesix-electrode probe can be used to measure the local axial solids velocitywith a mean error of 2% of the reading.

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