
The preparation of allylic amines is traditionally accomplished by reactions of amines with reactive electrophiles, such as allylic halides, sulfonates, or oxyphosphonium species; such methods involve hazardous reagents, generate stoichiometric waste streams, and often suffer from side reactions (such as overalkylation). We report here the first broad-scope nickel-catalysed direct amination of allyl alcohols: An inexpensive NiII /Zn couple enables the allylation of primary, secondary, and electron-deficient amines without the need for glove-box techniques. Under mild conditions, primary and secondary aliphatic amines react smoothly with a range of allyl alcohols, giving secondary and tertiary amines efficiently. This "totally catalytic" method can also be applied to electron-deficient nitrogen nucleophiles; the practicality of the process was demonstrated in an efficient, gram-scale preparation of the calcium antagonist drug substance flunarizine (Sibelium®).

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