
An ultra-micro method utilizing direct sample Injection Is described for the simultaneous Identification and quantification of ethanol, methanol, Isopropanol, and acetone In blood and urine by gas chromatography. AIIquots of whole blood, serum, plasma, or urine and an Internal standard, 1-propanol, are mixed together In equal parts. One microllter of the mixture Is then Injected Into a Shimadzu GC-4BM gas chromatograph equipped with 8 flame Ionization detector. The glass column, 3-mm I.d. x 2-m long, Is packed with 0.2% Carbowax 1500 on 801100 Carbopak C (Supalco, Inc., Bellelento, PA #SP-1827). The column Is fitted with s precolumn glass insert filled with a loosely packed sllanlzed glass wool plug that 8ct8 as a trap for the nonvolatile protein material of the blood end urine specimens. The optimal operating condltions for the gas chromatograph are: column temperature 120~ Injector temperature 100C; carrier gas flow 20 ml/mln; hydrogen and sir pressure set st optimal conditions for 8 hydrogen flame. The relative retention times of the eluted compounds to the Internal standard, l-propsnol, are: ethanol 0.51; methanol 0.37; acetone 0.65; and Isopropanol 0.78. A simple micro method Is also described for the celiaclion and storage of blood for alcohol determination. The techniques provide a rapid, reproducible procedure for the individual or simultaneous ultra-micro analysis of alcohols cominertly encountered in clinical or forensic toxicology.

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