
This paper describes an estimation of the support function of an online mediation support system for education, Similar Disputation Scene Search. This system refers to the old mediation cases. This function searches the scene that similar to the current disputation from the old mediation cases by similarity of the topic transition. The system recommends candidate list of reply to the user from the similar scene. This system consists of a mediation server, disputation interface, and case database. At first, a user connects the mediation server via a computer network, and enters a mediation room on this server. The user argues by exchanging arguments with facial expression of an animated agent each other using the disputation interface. The arguments are recorded as an XML document. We estimated the Similar Disputation Scene Search. We calculated recall and precision of the function and examined whether recommended reply is available or not. From this analysis, we discussed the availability of the mediation support system based on CBR.

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