
On the summit of a small hill, from which there is a somewhat extensive view, adjoining the Walton and Wetherby road, partly on the road and partly in the field, about a mile to the west of Walton Church, stood a conical hill eight feet in height, and rather over 200 feet in circumference. It is situated in the parish of Thorparch, and about 200 yards to the southern side of the Harrogate and Church Fenton Railway. The centre of this hill was found to be a large heap of boulder and other stones of very various sizes, some of considerable dimensions, and all in a rough state and unhewn. The Cairn itself was five feet in height, and twenty-four feet in diameter, and contained at least fifty cart loads of stones. The top of the Cairn was formed in the shape of a basin, and at the bottom of this basin or hollow were found about two hands-full of apparently charred bones, amongst which were small fragments of bronze or rather oxide, no doubt the remains of some coin or ornament, but so far gone as to render it perfectly impossible to ascertain anything definite as to its original shape or use. From observations made during the removal of the stones, the tumulus appeared to have been made thus:—On the surface of the ground at the summit of the hill, a cavity had been formed one foot in depth, and three feet in diameter, in which were found ...

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