
The concept of mid day meal scheme has a long history in India. In 1925 a mid day meal scheme was introduced for children belonging to poor socio-economic status in Madras Municipal Corporation area. In 1928 Keshav Academy of Calcutta (Kolkata) introduced compulsory mid day tiffin for school boys on payment basis at the rate of four annas per child per month. In 1941, in parts of Kerala, the school lunch programme was started. In 1942 Mumbai started implementing a free mid day meal scheme. A mid day meal scheme was introduce in Banglore city in 1946 to provide cooked rice and yoghurt. In 1953, Uttar Pradesh government introduce a scheme on voluntary basis to provide meals consisting of boiled or roasted or sprouted grams, ground nut, puffed rice, boiled potatoes or seasonal fruits. In the 1950’s many states came to introduce mid day meal scheme with the assistance of different international agencies like UNICEF, FAO and WHO. International voluntary/charity organizations like Catholic Relief services CWS, CARE, USA’s Meal Millions etc. During 1958-59 an expanded nutritions programme (ENP) jointly by FAO, WHO, UNICEF and government of RESEARCH NOTE ADVANCE RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE

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