
Due to the ever-changing and complex market environment, companies frequently face highly uncertain demand where data are so insufficient that the use of random or fuzzy variables, which are typically assumed in the literature, is impractical. Furthermore, companies are often risk-averse when making decisions. To address these two challenges, in this paper, we present the first study on a risk-averse newsvendor problem using the framework of uncertainty theory. To measure risk aversion, we adopt the measure of tail value-at-risk redefined based on uncertainty theory. We are able to analytically derive the optimal order quantity that maximizes the newsvendor’s expected utility. We find that the optimal order quantity of a risk-averse newsvendor is less than that of a risk-neutral newsvendor. Furthermore, as the degree of risk aversion increases, the optimal order quantity decreases. Also, we show that the optimal order quantity may be independent of the risk confidence level when the degree of risk aversion is below a threshold. Moreover, we use numerical examples to illustrate how various parameters, such as the degree of risk aversion, salvage value, and unit ordering cost, affect the optimal order quantity.


  • Due to fierce market competition and rapid product upgrades, the selling season of many products has become increasingly shorter

  • Xu and Hu [14] focused on the newsvendor problem by assuming that the uncertain market demand is a random fuzzy variable and presented a hybrid algorithm to obtain the optimal order quantity

  • We adopt the measure of tail value-at-risk redefined based on uncertainty theory

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Due to fierce market competition and rapid product upgrades, the selling season of many products (such as fashion, electronic products, and toys) has become increasingly shorter. Xu and Hu [14] focused on the newsvendor problem by assuming that the uncertain market demand is a random fuzzy variable and presented a hybrid algorithm to obtain the optimal order quantity. Yu et al [15] modeled the uncertain demand as a fuzzy variable because probability theory is not applicable in some cases; the optimal pricing and inventory decisions that could maximize the expected profit were obtained. Qin and Kar [21] first introduced uncertainty theory to the newsvendor problem by assuming demand to be an uncertain variable They obtained the optimal order quantity that could maximize the newsvendor’s expected profit. We aim to investigate the optimal order strategy for the single-period risk-averse newsvendor model with uncertain demand.


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