
Despite the significant progress that has been made in the battle against HIV-1, the virus remains a major threat to global health. Since it can only be suppressed with the utilization of highly active antiretroviral therapy, it remains a challenge to prevent the flow of the infection. According to UNAIDS, only 70% of individuals with HIV are diagnosed and only 53% are treated. This means that 44% of the tainted people have undetectable viral load. Despite the efforts made by various governments and private organizations, the battle against HIV infection remains a challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. The fast rise and evolution of technologies that enable the modification of qualities at the DNA level has raised hopes for an end to the epidemic. Through the employment of endonucleases, we've been able to build exact changes in DNA of being cells. The capacity to alter the outflow of the HIV gene by replicating the LTR promoter played vital role. If the promoter is edited, then the impact of viral transcription might be suppressed. Using aa more limited form of the nuclease Cas9, the evacuation of crucial parts of the infective agent ordering was with success performed in HIV transgenic mice. The outcomes showed that the decrease of HIV-RNA was significant in all examined tissues and circulating lymphocytes. (Kaminski et al. Gene Ther2016; 23:690-5). This review objective is to summarise the work of eminent researcher on the utilization of CRISPR-Cas’squality treatment for the treatment of HIV-1.

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