
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are very common among gym/fitness instructors. Through their personal sessions or while supporting their clients during their training sessions, gym instructors do high intensity work. This may be the most common causes of injuries and pain. Moreover, high prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders has been reported among them. Objective: This literature review aims to describe previous studies and its findings of musculoskeletal pain and injuries among gym/ fitness instructors. Methods: In this study, the authors explored 10 related articles from different databases including Pub Med, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Research Gate. The selected keywords were classified into two categories as follows: - 1. Related to Ergonomics, exercises, Fitness/Gym Instructors,2. Related to MSDs such as Musculoskeletal Disorders, musculoskeletal pain, and occupational injuries. Results and conclusion: The prevalence of symptoms varies among different body regions and commonly affected areas were low back and knees. Also, prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries is higher in male instructors than in females.gym/fitness instructors job has several risk factors that may be related to ergonomics, high intensity, weight lifting, environment, nature of work, repetitive movements. So, they are prone in musculoskeletal pain and injuries and there is scarce in literature also. From this literature review, authors suggest the fitness industries to follow ergonomic principles and to adapt MSDs prevention strategies. To fill the research gap, further studies can conduct on prevalence of symptoms on musculoskeletal disorders among gym goers. Keywords: Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Gym instructors, Fitness, Occupational Injuries.

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