
Simple SummaryWhat makes a big brain is fascinating since it is considered as a measure of intelligence. Above all, brain size is associated with body size. If species that have evolved with complex social behaviours possess relatively bigger brains than those deprived of such behaviours, this does not constitute the only factor affecting brain size. Other factors such as individual experience or surrounding environment also play roles in the size of the brain. In this review, I summarize the recent findings about the effects of environment on brain size in insects. I also discuss evidence about how the environment has an impact on sensory systems and influences brain size.Brain size fascinates society as well as researchers since it is a measure often associated with intelligence and was used to define species with high “intellectual capabilities”. In general, brain size is correlated with body size. However, there are disparities in terms of relative brain size between species that may be explained by several factors such as the complexity of social behaviour, the ‘social brain hypothesis’, or learning and memory capabilities. These disparities are used to classify species according to an ‘encephalization quotient’. However, environment also has an important role on the development and evolution of brain size. In this review, I summarise the recent studies looking at the effects of environment on brain size in insects, and introduce the idea that the role of environment might be mediated through the relationship between olfaction and vision. I also discussed this idea with studies that contradict this way of thinking.

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