
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This industry supplies half of thefisheries products consumed annually, and future global demand can only be supplied by increasingaquaculture production, which, in turn, requires more aquafeed. Alternative ingredients must beincreasingly used to supply significant proportions of protein and energy in aquafeeds, creatingboth challenges and opportunities for researchers and industry. Nowadays, there are too manyresearches on fish disease, growth and health but less in a fish feed especially a replacement ofprotein from plant sources in the fish feed. One of the alternative ways to optimise the growth andhealth condition of the fish is provide them a good protein from plant as a replacement in fish mealwith the natural source protein instead of giving a good rearing condition and caring of the fish.The present article was constructed to highlight a replacement of plant protein sources as analternative of fish meal for fish feed in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus that has been done byresearchers. However, the application of replacement from plant protein sources in fish meal is nowgradually gaining importance in commercial aquaculture practices and opened the door for theresearchers to expend of this application, thus more detailed studies on molecular basis should belooked as to get the quality and enough nutrient fish feed for good production of aquacultureindustry.

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