
A major conjecture on the existence of abelian skew Hadamard difference sets is: if an abelian group $G$ contains a skew Hadamard difference set, then $G$ must be elementary abelian. This conjecture remains open in general. In this paper, we give a recursive construction for skew Hadamard difference sets in abelian (not necessarily elementary abelian) groups. The new construction can be considered as a result on the aforementioned conjecture: if there exists a counterexample to the conjecture, then there exist infinitely many counterexamples to it.


  • Let G be an additively written group, let G∗ = G \ {0G}, and let D be a subset of G

  • Two difference sets D1 and D2 in an abelian group G are said to be equivalent if there is a group automorphism σ of G and an element b ∈ G such that σ(D1) = D2 + b

  • Let D be a skew Hadamard difference set in G, and let D + x = {y + x : y ∈ D} for x ∈ G

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We assume the existence of 25 skew Hadamard difference sets in abelian groups of order q to construct a skew Hadamard difference set in an abelian group of order q5. We assume that each Gi contains some (not necessarily distinct) skew Hadamard difference sets Hi. We construct a skew Hadamard difference set D in G = G0 × G1 × · · · × Gn−1 so that D is a union of direct products of either {0Gi}, Gi, Hi or −Hi for 0 i n − 1 as in Example 3. The main point of our recursive construction is that the assumed abelian groups containing skew Hadamard difference sets are not necessarily the electronic journal of combinatorics 27(3) (2020), #3.36 elementary abelian. We apply our construction for small q’s and discuss about the inequivalence of resulting skew Hadamard difference sets

An identity for coefficients of Lucas polynomials and binomial coefficients
Construction of skew Hadamard difference sets
Proof of Theorem 8
Concluding Remarks
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