
The ligand-gated ion channel receptor superfamily includes receptors for glycine, GABA, acetylcholine and serotonin. Whereas the acetylcholine and serotonin receptors mediate excitory neurotransmissions, both glycine and GABAA receptors are inhibitory. In this study, a fragment of the human glycine receptor α1 subunit, consisting of residues Ala165-Met291 (numbering based on the precursor protein), was hyperexpressed for the first time in Escherichia coli. This fragment is highly homologous in sequence to the corresponding fragment of the GABAA receptor. The recombinant fragment was found to have stable β-rich secondary structure, similar to that found for the homologous GABAA receptor fragment, and ordered tertiary packing, suggesting a stable structural domain. Results from laser scattering studies suggest that the fragment forms trimers in solution. In addition, SDS-induced changes in secondary structure were found to occur prior to changes in oligomerization status, suggesting that oligomerization was secondary structure dependent. A study of quaternary structure using single particle analysis electron microscopy (EM) also suggested that the fragment formed homo-trimers. One trimer measures approximately 7.5 nm in diameter with a central cavity approximately 1.5 nm across. This is the first EM study on a single domain of the glycine receptor and the result is in contrast to the pentameric assembly of the equivalent GABAA receptor fragment reported by us earlier. The fact that this fragment alone could form oligomers in vitro suggests that amino acid residues within this segment may be involved in the oligomerization of the glycine receptor in vivo. Furthermore, the finding that two cousin receptor fragments form distinct quaternary structures indicates that sequence similarity does not necessarily imply quaternary structure similarity and, hence, care must be taken when applying a structure model derived from studies of individual receptors to the whole ligand-gated ion channel superfamily.

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