
A 17-year-old female patient who came to the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery department with chief complaints of bilateral ear discharge and hearing loss Since 1 year. She was diagnosed as a case of Turner syndrome based on Cardic-CT, USG-pelvis, CT-MRI Pelvis with Abdomen Screening, and Chromosomal analysis revealed 45, X pattern in all the metaphases. In the Preoperative investigations, Pure tone audiometry shows left ear (83dB HL) severe mixed hearing loss and right ear has (63dB HL) with moderately severe mixed hearing loss and in HRCT-Temporal bone features suggesting the most possibility of bilateral Cholesteatoma. Pre operatively Left ear soft tissue Histopathological examination was showed Cholesteatoma with active inflammation. Tympanomastoidectomy was planned for left ear and performed the procedure was Canal wall down mastoidectomy with type 3 tympanoplasty. Intraoperatively findings were thick KORNER’S septum, full of pale non bleeding granulations in antrum, aditus and around ossicles were observed in the middle ear. After surgery, Postoperative histopathology report showed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation consistent with tuberculosis (special stain for AFB is positive). In conclusion primarily this is a very rare case of Tuberculous Otitis Media. In such type of cases there are more chances of misdiagnosing by many clinicians as Tuberculosis was rarely occur in the ear and most of the findings are also absent as seen in our case. It is difficult to identify and diagnose the case at initial stages of a disease. In such type of cases outcome of patients is poor due to delayed diagnosis.

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