
Background- Cellular Angiobroma is rare benign tumor of mesenchymal origin. They have a predilection to the genitourinary region and are present in both sexes (Male - scrotum, Female - vulva). Case presentation- A 45-year-old female presented with complaints of painless swelling in the Right vulva which has progressively increased in size over the past 4 years. On examination, a large solid pedunculated tumor of 20 x 15 cm was noted arising from the right labia. Ultrasonography showed a well-demarcated, supercial, solid tumor located on the right vulva. The lesion was excised under all aseptic precautions with a rim of normal tissue. The resected mass was 20 x 15 cm in size and weighed 2750 grams. Histological examination shows broadipose tissue with the presence of angiomatoid vascular proliferation with areas of myxoma type. No signs of malignancy. The patient is on regular follow-up since the surgery and there have been no signs of recurrence for 6 years. Vulval cellular angiobroma are very rare and knowled Conclusion- ge about these is very important for a gynecologist. It should be considered as a differential diagnosis for a painless swelling in the vulva. Every person should have an individualized approach and a multidisciplinary approach is required for these complex cases

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