
In the k-server problem we wish to minimize, in an online fashion, the movement cost of k servers in response to a sequence of requests. For 2 servers, it is known that the optimal deterministic algorithm has competitive ratio 2, and it has been a long-standing open problem whether it is possible to improve this ratio using randomization. We give a positive answer to this problem when the underlying metric space is a real line, by providing a randomized online algorithm for this case with competitive ratio at most 155/78 ≅ 1:987. This is the first algorithm for 2 servers with competitive ratio smaller than 2 in a non-uniform metric space with more than three points. We consider a more general problem called the (k; l)-server problem, in which a request is served using l out of k available servers. We show that the randomized 2-server problem can be reduced to the deterministic (2l; l)-server problem. We prove a lower bound of 2 on the competitive ratio of the (4; 2)-server problem. This implies that one unbiased random bit is not sufficient to improve the ratio of 2 for the 2-server problem. Then we give a 155/78 -competitive algorithm for the (6; 3)-server problem on the real line. Our algorithm is simple and memoryless. The solution has been obtained using linear programming techniques that may have applications for other online problems.

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