
Two hundred and thirty-three purple wartyback unionids (Cyclonaias tuberculata) were collected approximately monthly over a 31-month period from Kentucky Reservoir (Tennessee river mile 201.3), Tennessee, between August 1988 and February 1991. An equal sex ratio and only one case of hermaphroditism were discovered. Histological examinations showed that spermatogenesis and oogenesis occurred throughout the year except during late summer and early fall. "Typical" spermatogenesis was most evident between May and July. Spawning occurred between early spring (March–April) and late summer (August). Brooding variation among females was shown by the presence of embryos in the suprabranchial chambers and gills between early April and late August. Brooding was short term, as indicated by mature larvae being found in the outer demibranchs between early July and late August. Full demibranchs were never found, possibly indicating that the study took place during years of poor reproductive performance.

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