
In 2013, the National Football League (NFL) announced an online contest entitled “Together We Make Football”. With five trips to Super Bowl XLVIII (48) as grand prizes, over 5000 participants submitted online essays or videos explaining the impact that football has had on their lives. We took a systematic random sample of these submissions for the purposes of our qualitative study. Using the process of Constant Comparison, all data were systematically categorized and separated until major themes could be identified. All data were processed using NVIVO Qualitative Research Software. As the data were analyzed, themes were identified; predominately in the form of benefits and assets from football. Individual and familial benefits such as physical fitness, intrinsically and extrinsically motivated personal achievement, and the strengthening of family were common. Assets, in line with Social Capital Theory, were also prevalent in the study. Football was commonly identified as a vehicle for a community to build social capital. In the midst of adversity, football was also used to bring normalcy to a community in pain. Finally, the multi-tiered hierarchy of players, coaches, parents, and spectators provided a fascinating look into meaningful community-building. Whether through mentorship, community identity, overcoming adversity or team achievement, football provides countless individual and community benefits and assets. These were clearly present in the data analyzed from the “Together We Make Football” submissions.

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