
Background: Accurate diagnosis is essential if patients with chronic leg ulceration are to receive optimal treatment. Multiple disciplinary approach is usually required for complete healing of chronic ulcers. Methods: A prospective study of seven months duration was conducted on 50 consecutively admitted cases of chronic leg and foot ulcers in age group of 5-80 years of both genders. A through detailed history and clinical examination was undertaken. Local Symptoms, trophic skin changes and venous insufficiency if any was recorded. Both general and specific treatments were provided. Results: Maximum cases were in the age group of 31-50 years, M: F ratio 1.9:1 and rural: urban ratio 2.57:1. Majority of patients were illiterate (76%), and were drawn from lower class of the society (56%). Majority of patients (54%) were smokers, tobacco chewers or alcoholics. Site of ulcer was foot 52% followed by leg 18%, ulcer origin was traumatic in 72% of cases and ischaemic ulcers were minimum 2%. Symptom wise wound, pain and discharge 32% followed by wound and discharge 26% were noted. 66% of ulcers were secondarily infected and maximum number of cases 68% stayed in hospital for about 2 weeks. In 68% cases healing was complete in about 3 months. Conclusions: A correct diagnosis, multidisciplinary approach, optimal treatment and assessment of vascular status can facilitate healing of chronic leg ulcers in nondiabetic cases.

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